Thursday, December 15, 2011

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy

Are you searching Signs of pregnancy or pregnancy symptoms are and how likely they are to signify that you are pregnant. You can ask other people, you can be anxious in quiet, but the best thing is to read throughout the categories and check the signs. The more you have the more likely you are to be pregnant.

Mostly women when think about very early symptoms of pregnancy, they automatically assume that a missed period is the top symptom. Would you be surprised that a missed period isn’t even in the top 5 very early symptoms of pregnancy?

By the time a woman has become aware of a missed period due to a pregnancy, at least 5 other symptoms may have made themselves known, possibly weeks before the scheduled period. Here are five very early signs of pregnancy that can be noticed by a sensitive mother-to-be. And, all five can happen long before a period has been missed.
  • Elevated Basal Body Temperature 
  • Breast Tenderness, Nipple Enlargement And Increased Breast Size 
  • Fatigue And Exhaustion 
  • Constipation 
  • Nausea And Vomiting

1 comment:

  1. Mostly women when think about very early symptoms of pregnancy, they automatically assume that a missed period is the top symptom. Jewellery Gift


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