Friday, July 1, 2011

How to prevent from Angina

1. Do not undertake tough, unexpected, or extended physical activity which may place a heavy strain on your heart.
2. Eat meals on a regular schedule, without hurrying and without overeating.
3. Try to keep your weight down, especially if you are over 40. People who are overweight are much more susceptible to angina pectoris.
4. After eating a heavy meal, do not attempt physical activity for at least 30 minutes.
5. Arrange your work plan and rest periods. Try to avoid situations that will cause you emotional stress.
6. monitor general health rules to protect yourself as far as possible from the risk of disease.
7. Avoid constipation.
8. Sleep in a fresh room and try to get at least eight hours of sleep at night.
9. Keep your body fit with a regular exercise.
10. Goto your doctor for regular medical checkups.

Important Tips to keep lower blood Sugar

Keep Lower blood sugar is key to keep away from pre-diabetes, diabetes, insulin resistance and overweight issues. Lowering your blood sugar naturally keeps your health vital and strong.

Here's how it works: You eat something and the stomach and intestines breaks the food down into glucose. The cells require glucose for energy, but for the cells to be able to use glucose they also need insulin which the pancreas emits in the reaction to glucose.

The body, however, can become resistant to using the insulin if there are certain factors happening, in particular excess fat. So the glucose stays in the blood, which makes the pancreas secrete more insulin. Finally the pancreas gets tired, very tired and gives up. That's when pre-diabetes becomes diabetes. What a bummer.
Keeping glucose sugar levels balanced also helps promote weight loss as having low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) will trigger binge eating, which causes the rebound effect of high blood sugar or glucose. The body will rapidly store this high blood sugar as fat.

With a few tricks up your sleeve, you can easily control your glucose levels and avoid more severe health problems.